Need help collecting your overdue student accounts?

We turn around delinquent student debts.

Specializing in student debt collection services and recovering accounts receivables for educational institutions:

Colleges & Universities

Higher Education debt collections for campus-based student debts and student loans are our specialty.


We formerly collected healthcare debts but have since partnered with CRI to handle these specialized accounts.

180 Resolutions

Smart, effective, cost-efficient debt collection services

Collecting delinquent student accounts receivables can be time-consuming and frustrating. 180 Resolutions is here to help you recover your overdue receivables.
With 35+ years of experience, our proven track record has helped hundreds of thousands of students successfully repay their student loans and other campus-based debts. Let us help your school recover your outstanding accounts. 
We balance effective collection techniques with brand protection. We can recover your receivables and protect your public reputation and image. Don’t take our word for it, see our customer reviews.

No Collection – No Fees

Our collection fee is the same for any age or placement and always contingent on successful collections. Pricing

90-Day Trial Period

Let us prove what we can do to help you collect what you are owed. Contact us

Age of Debt Doesn’t Matter

As long as the debt is within the Statue of Limitations we will attempt to collect it. As an account ages, we change tactics, not fees.

Together We Make a Difference

Every dollar earned above expenses supports our non-profit parent company’s mission to help students and families plan, prepare, and pay for college. About Us

Cost-efficient Technologies & Tools

Since 1981, our team has refined our consumer debt collection techniques through a consistant focus on best practices. We utilize the latest technologies to deliver effective and persuasive communications. Services

Industry Regulations Compliance

Our experienced Quality Assurance and Compliance team ensures our collection efforts comply with all legal regulations including FDCPA, TCPA, FCRA, FERPA, HIPAA/HITECH etc. Compliance

Excellent Client Communications

Many of our clients switched to 180 Resolutions because they were unhappy with poor communications from other collection agencies. We believe in full transparency and pride ourselves on excellent communications with clients. When you contract with us, you’ll get a personal account representative dedicated to your accounts. We also provide you with detailed monthly reports. We have a simple onboarding process to get your accounts set up. Contact Us

Serving Arizona and New Mexico

180 Resolutions is presently focusing on the Southwest and offering our debt collection services for educational organizations in Arizona and New Mexico. We are licensed, bonded, and insured in both states. Our main office and customer care center is in Albuquerque, New Mexico